Sunday, April 22, 2012

Istrian Fuzi (Croatia)

Alici thought that this was some kind of flat bread,  but it turns out to be more like a pasta.   Istrian Fuzi is an egg pasta, I have a  hand pasta roller that I haven't used in quit a while, but it turned out to be the perfect thing to roll these out.   Cut them into squares fold each into a triangle and let them dry out a bit.   Then throw them into a pot of boiling water and wait for them to float.   We ate them with pesto from last years front yard basil crop.

Costa Rica: Gallo pinto: rice and beans

Costa Rica: Gallo pinto: rice and beans

Well, we forgot to take a picture!! 
It was so good that it got devoured before we could capture the image! But if you follow the link to the recipe, you can see the photo there. It is basically rice and beans mixed together with
bell pepper and other veggies.

Congo: Babute and Coconut Gateau

So, there are two Congos! The Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo! From our research, many foods are common to both countries. We made Babute, which is a meat custard. It is super rich and yummy. It has a hint of sweetness, as it takes apricots. And for dessert, we had coconut gateaus, which are like macarrons: mostly coconut, with some egg whites and sugar. Delicious.
The big yellow country is the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the light brown one to the west is the Republic of the Congo.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Egg Salad

Cote d'Ivoire
Egg Salad or was it potato salad?   It's somewhere in between and with cucumber - this dish is very much like the American picnic classic.   Alici prepared this salad, the mayonnaise too, from scratch.    We used a pressure cooker for the potatoes, takes about 6 minutes at pressure.    Had it with grilled hamburgers - Alici had to eat hers without the bun because she has molars coming in that are painful at the moment.   

Sunday, April 8, 2012